Case Study

Ipsos Minutes

Mobile TV: Worldwide Early Learnings


Topics: Digital Media, Entertainment, Video

Gain a stronger understanding of the global impact of streaming and live video, and the role of live television: where and when people want their Mobile TV; what sort of programming works best; and how existing TV brands can leverage current formats for easily mobile-ready content.

The Ricochet Effect: Where Will The Digital Video Marketplace Bounce Next?


Topics: Digital Media, Technology, Video

In this briefing, Todd takes a minute to discuss the future of digital video consumption in America.

Digital Video Hype, But What Are People Really Downloading?


Topics: Digital Content, Digital Media, Video

In this briefing, Adam shares his insights into adoption trends for digital video in America.

Partnering Deals in the Technology Industry


Topics: Digital Media, Market Development

Learn why more companies should consider fluid, co-partnerships in order to provide consumers with truly innovative products and services.

Portability of Information


Topics: Digital Content, Digital Media, Technology

Consumers’ anytime, anyplace expectations are important for technology companies to understand when it comes to developing new products and services.

New Technologies: The Move Toward Radical Personalization


Topics: Digital Content, Digital Media, Internet Usage

In this briefing, Brian talks about the trend of consumers having more control over content – both in what they want and when they want it.


Gaming Goes Mainstream - The Latest Perspectives on the Gaming Industry

Duration: 1 hour

Topics: Digital Media, Internet Usage

Given the exponential growth in videogaming, gamers are now the new power consumer, representing approximately 144 million of the 244 million online U.S. consumers. Today’s gamers are almost as likely to be female as male, are often married with children, and have mainstream incomes and rich social lives. In fact, gamers are more active, more social, more influential, and more affluent than non-gamers. The gaming audience can no longer be ignored or treated as tangential - Grand Theft Auto 4 generated $310 MM in its first day, shattering previous records, and exceeding blockbuster entertainment properties like Dark Knight, Spiderman 3, and the final Harry Potter novel. One year ago, Activision announced that the Guitar Hero series had generated $1 billion in sales – just a short year later, the specific title Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has now hit the $1 billion mark.

Introducing Ipsos MediaCT's 2008 Digital Media Fact Guide

Duration: 30 minutes

Topics: Digital Content, Digital Devices, Digital Media

Since 2005, Ipsos MediaCT has published the Digital Media Fact Guide on an annual basis. The Digital Media Fact Guide provides key metrics and trends collected and analyzed by Ipsos MediaCT analysts.

Attracting and Unpacking Consumer 'Attention' – Latest Ipsos Trends and Perspectives from the Digital Media Landscape

Duration: 60 minutes

Topics: Digital Media, Entertainment, Green

Learn more about how marketers in the burgeoning digital ecology can incorporate new market dynamics into future strategies

Digital Media, Devices & Domains – Trends in the Consumer Technology Landscape at Home and On the Go

Duration: 60 minutes

Topics: Digital Media, Entertainment, Green, Technology

In the past year, we've witnessed a growing number of ways in which Americans can acquire and view entertainment content, in both physical and digital formats. As the breadth and depth of entertainment and media has proliferated, so have the number of consumer-friendly technologies you can now find in the average American household. While we continue to rely on an established set of consumer electronics to access and manage our video, music, and games, the rapid advancement of digital content and high-definition formats have served as a change agent spawning a new wave of next generation devices, services and platforms that are popping up in our homes and lives.

Emerging Trends in Digital Media, Content and Hardware

Duration: 60 minutes

Topics: Digital Content, Digital Media, Product Development

To consumers, today's multimedia options are as daunting as they are captivating. Consumers must navigate a world of choices including online music subscriptions, a la carte download stores and satellite radio services; mobile video, ringtones and wireless music downloads; video-on-demand and emerging online video acquisition channels; podcast- and RSS-delivered news, information, and entertainment; and a universe of digitally enabled and feature-laden devices that changes literally every day. While consumers are increasingly tantalized by new methods of digital content acquisition and engagement, marketers are equally tantalized by the challenge of understanding, anticipating, and addressing ever-evolving consumer needs and preferences.

White Paper

MOTION: Keeping Pace with Digital Video Behavior

8 pages; 7 charts;

Topics: Digital Content, Digital Media, Video

Get excerpts from Ipsos' 2008 MOTION program by downloading our latest Point of View. This paper shares detailed data and analysis regarding Americans are their streaming and/or downloading video online behavior. We look at who, exactly, these Americans are, how streaming is revolutionizing traditional viewing options, the formats that are being streamed, and attitudes towards advertisements in online video content.

Ipsos MediaCT's 2008 Digital Media Fact Guide

11 pages; 12 charts

Topics: Digital Content, Digital Devices, Digital Media

Do you know what percentage of Americans prefer 100% free, but advertising-supported online video vs. fee-based? What about the percentage of 25-34 year olds who are viewing video content online compared to 25-34 year olds, and 35-54 year olds? Do you want to know which fee-based digital music service providers are most preferred by American consumers? And how PC-ownership compares around the world?

IGN & Ipsos: Are You Game?

21 pages; 32 charts and graphs

Topics: Digital Media, Internet Usage

IGN Entertainment, a division of Fox Interactive Media, and Ipsos MediaCT co-released a series of research findings from a comprehensive study examining the growing diversity, consumption patterns and social activity of videogamers. This unique research study was conducted in two phases, a quantitative overview of gaming households among the U.S. online population, and a follow-up qualitative deep dive among the key segments in the gaming market. The qualitative portion of the research included focus groups and in-home interviews. Learn more about the unique behaviors of gamers by reading this paper now.