Search as a Branding Vehicle for Driving TV Tune-In

Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time: 9am PST/ 12pm ET

Duration: 30 - 60 minutes

Todd Board, Senior Vice President, Ipsos MediaCT
Angela Reynar, Industry Advertising Research Manager, Google Inc.
Dan Barasch, Industry Marketing Manager, Media and Entertainment, Google Inc.

Sure, search drives web traffic and online conversions. But can it lead to offline actions like TV tune-in? Can you expect a brand lift from paid search impressions even if consumers don't click on ads?

In a recent study, Google partnered with Ipsos MediaCT to explore how paid search can impact TV tune-in, by lifting brand metrics and likelihood to tune-in.

The webinar will cover these key findings, highlighting how search can:

» Increase likelihood to tune in for advertised TV shows
» Improve competitive positioning of advertised TV shows
» Increase traffic to branded TV websites
» Lift brand awareness of TV shows and networks

Can search be used as a branding vehicle for flighted campaigns? These results may transform the way you think about search in your media mix.

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